Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Motel!

So, here is a funny story for everyone. I am going to blame it on pregnancy brain. When we checked in at the motel, the lady gave us two sets of keys. I put both of them in my purse and obviously only had to use one set because Chris and I were together the whole time. On Saturday when we were getting ready to leave, I could only find one set of keys. I emptied my purse and still could not find it. The motel room wasn't big enough to lose it in. Chris jokingly said, "Is it still in the door?" I said, "I bet it is. I am not joking, check the door!" Sure enough the key had been left in the door the whole night. Good thing it was a small place with few guests because we were the first door as you entered the building. Funniest thing is that Chris was worried about someone peeking through a small opening in the curtains. Guess that wasn't really a problem, huh!

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