Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Post Overload!

Chris is at work and Campbell is in bed... so I have finally updated my blog for the last few months. Sorry for the overload, but be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what has been going on in our busy lives!

Campbell's World

Campbell has become quite a little talker. He also thinks he needs to be on a cell phone all the time. He has a play phone that we charge and he carries on long conversations with himself. Today he even put his hand up to his ear and talked into it like a cell phone. He is starting to get a decent vocabulary. He says: Thank you, please, all done, mommy, love you, more, Suzy, Poppy, Meema, blankie

It is so much fun watching him grow. He climbs everything and gets into everything if he isn't watched constantly. He jabbers with me constantly and wants to interact with me all day. I love that he catches on so quickly, although he doesn't always act like he does. He goes to time out and waits for me to count to ten, then he says, "no, no, no" before he goes and does whatever he wasn't supposed to do! I love this time in his life :)


When we went camping over Chris's birthday, Campbell took a terrible crash. He was walking around the campground with a rock in one hand and a stick in another. Somehow, he fell and gashed his lip. His mouth was full of blood and he learned to spit really quick. I rinsed it with Hydrogen Peroxide and again he spit really well. I was so worried he would get an infection. For the first couple days it looked so bad, but it has healed real quick and you can hardly even tell it happened now. I guess that is the least I should expect with my little monkey.

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For Brayli's 2nd birthday, she really wanted Granny Black to come. I went to pick her up and brought her to Grandma Patty's house. She sat outside the pool area and watched the kids swim and play. Campbell climbed up on Meema's lap and posed for this cute pic!

Brayli got a Tangled table for her birthday. She and Sophia were minding there own business and eating there food when Campbell decided to join them. As you can tell, he wasn't really welcome!

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Great Salt Lake

After camping at Pa John's lot, we headed to Salt Lake for Keaton's homecoming. We had Christian and Stefen with us, so we went to a couple new places. We spent our first day playing at Lagoon. I didn't get any pics because I was too busy having fun on the rides!

On the way from Lagoon to Sandy, we went to the Great Salt Lake. In all my years going to Utah, I have never actually been to the lake. It was so gross. There were dead birds everywhere and the smell was awful. It was an okay once in a lifetime experience. Now I can at least say I have been there!

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Campbell has become quite a tag-a-long and wants to follow wherever anyone goes. He frequently followed the boys when they would walk to the lake. He so much wants to be a big boy!

Campbell found a new friend in Pa John. He went on two 30 mile 4-wheeler rides and fell asleep in Pa John's arms. He also helped him around the lot by moving rocks and driving the tractor.

Anytime Campbell wasn't being watched, he would end up on a 4-wheeler and wait for someone to give him a ride. He wore quite a path on Pa John's lot.

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We wanted to take Campbell down to Lake Cascade to swim. Even though it was warm outside, the water was too chilly for Campbell's liking. He didn't mind too much when he was just touching it, but as soon as I got his life jacket on and tried to get him to swim, he hated it. Needless to say, we didn't stay in water long.

He had much more fun when we went to the hot springs. I tell you, he so much prefers to be in warm water. Hopefully next year he will be able to enjoy being in Grandma Patty's pool.

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Camping at Pa John's

Lots of our summer camp trips involve going to Pa John's lot in Donnely. We have learned the importance of having a baby gate in front of the trailer for Campbell to be contained in. He is good as long as he doesn't see the rest of the family running around. He plays with his toys just like he was at home.

Beth and Matthew showed up unexpectedly and didn't have warm clothes for Brayli. Unfortunately, she is just enough bigger than Campbell that his clothes didn't quite fit, but she was warm! Love this beautiful smile!

Waiting patiently for a ride!

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Roaring Springs

So, as I said in a previous post, Campbell only really likes playing in warm water. I didn't know how he would react to the water at Roaring Springs. It took a little getting used to, but he warmed up. He enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool and even went on the slide with me! There is a teeter-toter in the water he really wanted to play on. At one point, a bigger than him little girl wanted to play on it too. She knew she was too big for him, so she just pushed it up and down. He had so much fun and she was such a sweet kid!

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4th of July

Apparently, I didn't get a bunch of pics this year. I usually have pics of the whole family waiting for the parade, parade pics, etc. It was a little different this year though. Dad's family didn't come until a few weeks later. I must say, it was a little weird, but we did spend the morning with mom's family, so I don't know why no pics :( Campbell got to ride the 4-wheeler all over town, he was in heaven.

Zach bought a pet snake and decided to get it out before the parade. Most people are scared of it and don't like it. Campbell wasn't scared at all, he reached right up and "petted" the snake!

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At the Park

Jazmin had her birthday at the park this year. Zak, Jazmin, Jenna, and Quinn had so much fun playing with Campbell on the playground. I must say that Campbell seemed to enjoy himself too. He kept climbing the ladder to be able to go on the slide. He also liked the swing, but mostly the slide!

We also fed the ducks afterward. He wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to be doing, but he kept throwing bread and went through a whole loaf! It is definitely something we are going to have to do again as he gets older.

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At the Zoo

I had a friend of mine in town with her kids for a few days and we met at the zoo. Unfortunately, I didn't even get pics of Campbell with the boys. Here are a few of the best shots of Campbell. We paid a little extra and went to the butterfly exhibit. One landed on Campbell's arm. He never even noticed it. He wasn't impressed with the goats. This one kept getting closer and closer, Campbell got further and further away.

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Camping at Grand Jean

Chris's aunt and uncle are the camp managers at Grand Jean campground. They work at the state park, but there is a campground down the dirt road that has a great natural hot springs pool. Campbell hasn't enjoyed swimming much this year, but he really loved being in the warm pool. The first morning we went, they had just opened the pipe to the hot water. We had to stay right next to it or Campbell shivered and his lips turned blue. We went back the next day in the evening and were able to enjoy the whole pool.

Chris's family came and joined us after a couple of days. We were able to have meals together and go on a couple rides. Campbell again had a great time on the 4-wheeler and even fell asleep on the rides. It's hard work being a kid!

He also a great time playing in mom and dad's bed. He climbs on our bed and gets the walkie-talkies from the corner. He would lay in bed and talk, waiting for a response (that never came!)

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