Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Campbell's First Christmas... the Beginning

Soon after Thanksgiving, I wanted to get a Christmas tree up and get the house ready for the holiday. I have so many decorations and last year, Chris got to put them all up by himself. This year we had each other... and another helper! We bought a small Christmas tree and put it up on our dining room table. Campbell loved to look at the lights and he even helped put on his first Christmas decorations.

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a great Thanksgiving... truly so much to be thankful for. Last year I sat on Aunt Joy's couch with my leg propped up on the couch. This year I was able to participate in all the fun. We had a great dinner at Aunt Joy's and then Chris's parents also had dinner for us. I ended the night playing cards at Grandma Patty's! Campbell loves to eat real food and Thanksgiving was his favorite so far... who could blame him. He was so full and apparently so was his daddy!!!! After a great dinner at Joy's, they both slept in the warmth of the sun!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

8 Months

A year ago, I was sitting in the hospital on antepartum with excruicating pain in my leg. Today I am chasing a rambunctious 8 month old baby. Crazy how much changes in a year! I am actually going to post Campbell's 8 month post a few days early!
- pulls himself up to furniture
- tries to walk
- is scared of his crib
- loves toys
- climbs the stairs
- hates baby food, but loves adult food
- eats 3 meals a day of 'real' food
- refuses to hold his bottle
- occassionally says "mama"
- loves chocolate
- has 2 teeth
- loves playing with Brayli

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First Haircut

Campbell has had a really long patch of hair on the back of his head since he was born. I have been very hesitant in cutting it! I finally gave in and cut all the top of his hair to the same length. Needless to say, Campbell didn't enjoy it. Sara did a great job and now his hair looks great!

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We had a great Halloween this year. My friend, Cindy had a fun Halloween party on Saturday. She had hayride, pumpkin patch, "stone soup", and food & games. Campbell enjoyed looking at the cows on Cindy's farm, riding on the hayride, and especially loved the bouncy house slide! After the party, we went to Grandma Black's to visit. We took pictures of the kids in her entryway. It was a pretty cute setting, actually. We also went to the wards trunk-or-treat. I carried Campbell around with a bucket and we got candy at every car. No one even asked questions. All in all it was a great day!

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7 Months

I am a bit late in posting this since Campbell is now almost 8 months, but I don't want to miss a month. Here are his 7 month stats:

- 17 pounds

- tries to climb stairs
- still won't hold his bottle
- hates the exercauser (he can't move!)
- loves his jumper (for awhile)
- eats 3 meals a day
- won't sleep in his crib
- tries to pull himself up
- crawls everywhere
- chases Suzy
- hates being covered with blankets
- says "dada"
- is starting to play with toys
- loves toys that move and make noise
- tries to play on daddy's phone and computer
- makes soooo much noise at church
- "talks" all the time

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I know, I know...

So, this blog is in dire need of an update, but life has been crazy lately! Crazy doing what, I am not sure, but needless to say, this blog has suffered! Between babysitting and just taking care of Campbell, I am left with little time. Watching him has become a full-time job. He crawls everywhere (Thanks Zach!), tries to climb, refuses to hold his bottle, and loves to be held (but climb out of your arms!). So, hopefully next week when I get a couple days off, I will post pics of what we have been up to. I am also working on a photo wall in my family room that I will post pics of too.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Tooth!

Campbell's first tooth broke through a couple days ago. He hasn't been fussy, but has had 2 ear infections since his 6 month well-check. He also had very little appetite. I thought his gums felt swollen, but I also thought I was just an excited first time mom. We went to the doctor last Wednesday when we found out about his second ear infection. The doctor looked in his mouth, but didn't think it looked like he had any teeth coming in. Come to find out, the very next day, it broke through the surface! He had been sticking his tongue out all day and rubbing it funny across his gums, Aunt Jenna put her finger in his mouth and sure enough, a little tooth! He is also trying to get the left front tooth, so is still very protective of his mouth. The tooth is also just barely through, so no pics yet. Hopefully soon.

Friday, September 24, 2010

6 months old!

My baby turned 6 months old yesterday. It is amazing how much he has changed in the last month.
- rolls from back to front and back again... and again... and again
- says "dada dada"
- "almost" sits up
- plays with any toys around him
- loves attention
- blows "raspberries"
- makes silly faces
- pulls hair
- won't hold his own bottle (prefers to grab my face and hair)
- finally eats rice cereal
- has no desire to sleep all night
- is the LOVE of my life!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Germany... Finally!

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 Months

I know, I know everyone wants to see Germany pics, but right now you will have to settle for pics of Campbell! I haven't had time to put a slideshow together of Germany. Right after we got home, Campbell turned 5 months old. He has started to change so much and become such a little man!
5 month stats:
Don't know weight!!!

Rolls from back to tummy
Pushes himself around by pushing on his head!
Spins in circles on the floor
Pulls toys on his swing
Grasps toys
Accidently hits himself with toys
Almost holds his bottle
"Sings" himself to sleep
Loves to eat his toes
Blows "raspberries" all the time
Goes through 2-3 bib a day
Gives kisses (especially to Grandma)
Hates to sleep alone
Tries to sit up by doing "crunches"
Growing up despite me
Doesn't know how to eat rice cereal

First time in a high chair. (Restraunt in Germany. He didn't even get to eat anything!)

Loves fingers in his mouth, even if they aren't his own!

5 month birthday, smiley boy!

First bite of food, most of it came right back out. We are still working on how to swallow food.

Monday, August 16, 2010


We just returned from our 2 week vacation to Germany. It was full of lots of driving, sight seeing, and other fun stuff. Campbell is still 8 hours ahead in his sleeping schedule. It is 12:30 right now and he thinks it's 8:30, he is sleeping! Last night was rough. I am getting some stuff done around the house, ie laundry, and then I will keep him up the rest of the day so I can try to get him back on schedule! Keep checking for updates with lots, did I say LOTS of pics!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just pics!

He loves to sleep with his hands under the pillow! He looks like he is faking being asleep here, huh?

There's a smile for the camera. He always has huge smiles right when he wakes up, then he screams because he is usually hungry!

He has just found his feet in the last week or so. He tries to pull himself up!

Where did they go? I know there were here a second ago!
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Just more pics!

First time in the "real" bathtub! I think he LOVES it!

Rockin' the tie dye!

Not sure what to think about the water! He actually really enjoyed it, he just never shows it to the camera.

I will not smile...
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4 Months old

Wow! Another month has passed and my baby is now 4 months old. Crazy how the time flies. He has changed so much. We go to the doctor next week for his 4 month well check. I will see then how much he weighs, but I can definitely tell he is getting bigger. He can no longer wear his 0-3 month jammies. His legs can't stretch straight!
New tricks and favs:
- Loves to stand
- Found his toes and loves to play with them
- Pulls himself up to touch his toes
- Doesn't enjoy tummy time, but doesn't hate it
- Is starting to like books
- Loves TV (probably too much thanks to me!)
- Smiles only when the camera isn't out
- Likes the water
- Loves the real bathtub
- Tells great "stories"
- Still loves to cuddle
- Hates being hot
- Loves being outside
- Has a great laugh
- Loves to be tickled
- Always has his hands in this mouth
- Almost blows "raspberries"
- Sleeps about 7 hours a night
I will try to get pics added and his weight posted before we leave for Germany.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Outdoor Photoshoot

While Heidi was here to take family pics, I decided Campbell needed 3 month pictures too! Luckily Grandma has a great yard to take pics in . We wandered around and found the best places. Some right in the flower bed! Don't worry, we "fluffed" the ground cover back up when we were done! I don't think she even knew we did it! Heidi took a lot more pics, but these ones are my favorites!

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All Because Two People Fell in Love...

Since we haven't had a family picture since Marc and Andi got married, we were really wanting a more updated family picture. We had a good majority of our family here this year for the 4th of July. We invited Heidi to come over and take family pictures.
The beginning of it all...

Still missing about 20 people, but still a pretty big crowd!

My mom and dad with their kids and grandkids.

My sweet, little family.

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Cousin Love

Campbell was the center of attention with all of his cousins over the week. Whenever he was on the ground, the kids just kept coming! But really, who could resist my sweet baby?

Tucker with Campbell

Lilly with Campbell

Jenna, Mykena, Lilly, Jacob, and Trevyn with Campbell
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