Saturday, November 20, 2010

7 Months

I am a bit late in posting this since Campbell is now almost 8 months, but I don't want to miss a month. Here are his 7 month stats:

- 17 pounds

- tries to climb stairs
- still won't hold his bottle
- hates the exercauser (he can't move!)
- loves his jumper (for awhile)
- eats 3 meals a day
- won't sleep in his crib
- tries to pull himself up
- crawls everywhere
- chases Suzy
- hates being covered with blankets
- says "dada"
- is starting to play with toys
- loves toys that move and make noise
- tries to play on daddy's phone and computer
- makes soooo much noise at church
- "talks" all the time

1 comment:

Heidster said...

He's HUGE! I can't wait to see him next week!