Wednesday, February 9, 2011

9 Months Old

So it's a good thing I posted Campbell's 8 month post early because I am posting this one so late. Campbell has really turned into a little man and is such a busy guy. He hates to hold still and climbs everything. So much for keeping my little man little! It is bittersweet to see him changing so much and so fast. I love to see all the things that he is learning, but I hate that my baby is growing up so quickly.

- He climbs over his barricades
- He loves to feed himself
- He HATES baby food
- He finally holds his own bottle
- He sleeps in his own crib, but not all night long :(
- He loves Brayli
- He waves good-bye when we go to the garage
- He loves to chase Suzy
- He dances to music
- He likes books (not as much as Brayli though!)
- He claps for himself
- He can say no
- He cries when we tell him no
- He loves his babysitters