Monday, May 24, 2010


Why the sad face, you ask?

2 months old.... it means shots! Lots of shots :(
The day after Campbell's 2 month birthday, he had to visit the doctor.
It also meant 3 shots. OUCH! Campbell was such a champ, but wasn't very happy afterward. He spent the rest of the day either sleeping or crying. His poor little legs are so sore and he doesn't like them being touched or moved. It is so sad when he wakes up and realizes that they still hurt. Hopefully he will be able to sleep tonight, otherwise, here's to a long, long night!

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2 Months Old!

I absolutely cannot believe my baby is already 2 months old. It has gone by so fast and he is growing so much. I think in the last 2 weeks, he has had a giant growth spurt! He wore newborn clothes and now is almost too long for the 0-3 month! I can't believe it! He has brought such joy to our lives. He has brought me and Chris so much closer together. I love how Chris looks at him and loves him so much. He still doesn't allow me much sleep, but I am learning to adjust, just like all new mothers do.

They are going to be such good friends!
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He might turn into a daddy's boy afterall!

2 month stats:

Weight: 10 lb 13 oz (25%)

Height: 21 1/2 inches (10%)

- learning to hold his own bottle

- follows voices

- reaches for toys

- loves his swing and bouncer

- loves sleeping in mommy's arms

- doesn't like sleeping at night

- loves to kick his legs

- makes fun sounds

- loves to listen to mommy tell stories

- tries to roll from his tummy

- only likes his pacifier when he is bored

- has visited Utah 3 times

Campbell (and Brayli's) Special Day

Campbell was blessed my his daddy on May 23, 2010 at the home of his grandparents. It was a special day for everyone involved. Campbell remained quite during the blessing and Chris did an excellent job. Campbell is truly blessed to have such a great daddy! Brayli wore her beautiful dress to get pics with her cousin. (She has a pretty great daddy too!)

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Quinn's Baseball

Quinn's baseball games are very uneventful and these pics tell it all. Quinn stood as pitcher, though the coach pitches. Once the ball went right to him and right over his head! He got better as the games went on and even stopped the ball on 3rd base once. He was able to hit the ball every game and make it to 1st base. They let the kids run all the bases once they make it to 1st and the last kid gets to run a home run. Quinn was frequently the last batter and got to run "home runs!"
Quinn has the white hoodie on!

Various pics

Quinn has been playing coach pitch softball. Campbell and I decided to walk to the ball parks one day. Of course, the weather wasn't perfect. I bundled him up in a snowsuit and wrapped him in blankets. I don't think he even knew how cold it was!

This is Campbell's favorite place! He loves his aunt Jenna.
Sleeping like an angel!

Mother's Day

I had a great first mother's day. We traveled to Utah for the weekend and visited with Chris's grandma. She was diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago and we try to get there as much as possible. (In hind site, I am so glad we went since she passed away 5 days later.) It was great to visit with her and hear her stories and her testimony. Chris's parents went too. I was able to get some great 4 generation pics with them!

Grandma Huston, Campbell, Chris, Barb

We got home on Saturday and spent mother's day with my family. We had dinner at my parents' house with them and my grandparents. It was a fabulous dinner and I made Grandma in Utah's famous strawberry dessert. I also got great 4 generations pics with my family!

Me, Campbell, Grandma Black, Mom

Grandma Hill, Me, Grandpa Hill, Campbell, Dad

Campbell, Me, Mom, Brayli, Beth