Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 Months

I know, I know everyone wants to see Germany pics, but right now you will have to settle for pics of Campbell! I haven't had time to put a slideshow together of Germany. Right after we got home, Campbell turned 5 months old. He has started to change so much and become such a little man!
5 month stats:
Don't know weight!!!

Rolls from back to tummy
Pushes himself around by pushing on his head!
Spins in circles on the floor
Pulls toys on his swing
Grasps toys
Accidently hits himself with toys
Almost holds his bottle
"Sings" himself to sleep
Loves to eat his toes
Blows "raspberries" all the time
Goes through 2-3 bib a day
Gives kisses (especially to Grandma)
Hates to sleep alone
Tries to sit up by doing "crunches"
Growing up despite me
Doesn't know how to eat rice cereal

First time in a high chair. (Restraunt in Germany. He didn't even get to eat anything!)

Loves fingers in his mouth, even if they aren't his own!

5 month birthday, smiley boy!

First bite of food, most of it came right back out. We are still working on how to swallow food.

1 comment:

Tory and Elizabeth said...

I ask myself all the time why they have to grow up so fast. But if they must, at least they keep getting cuter and funnier as they do it. Such a cute little man.