So, I took pics of me the other day, but I decided I looked too much like a cow to post them :( I don't feel that big, but the pics were very unflattering. Hopefully, I will get some soon that are post worthy. So..... until then, just a boring update!
The baby still doesn't think we need to know for sure what gender he/she is. I have had a total of 4 ultrasounds that should have shown it, but legs are either crossed or baby is facing my back. I guess we will know when he/she comes into this world. Baby also can't decided if he wants to be breech or head down. He moves constantly and prefers to have whatever body part under my ribs! I am learning that I need to be leaning back almost all the time in order to breath. Oh well, I love his little movements and watching him as he rolls in my stomach! The doctor said if I go into labor in 3 weeks, he won't stop it, so here's counting. I am not holding my breath though, I am sure we will go to term. My blood clot is resolving, or so it seems. I feel much better. I am able to get up and walk a little everyday, but get tired quickly. I am great at giving shots and could probably do it with my eyes closed, but hopefully it will be over soon! Here's to a happy, healthy baby!