Campbell's first tooth broke through a couple days ago. He hasn't been fussy, but has had 2 ear infections since his 6 month well-check. He also had very little appetite. I thought his gums felt swollen, but I also thought I was just an excited first time mom. We went to the doctor last Wednesday when we found out about his second ear infection. The doctor looked in his mouth, but didn't think it looked like he had any teeth coming in. Come to find out, the very next day, it broke through the surface! He had been sticking his tongue out all day and rubbing it funny across his gums, Aunt Jenna put her finger in his mouth and sure enough, a little tooth! He is also trying to get the left front tooth, so is still very protective of his mouth. The tooth is also just barely through, so no pics yet. Hopefully soon.
A Farmhouse Tour
6 years ago